Managing Software Quality Under Continuous Integration
Learn how Testspace simplifies managing software quality and release readiness, by leveraging important information buried in your CI/Build systems.
A common problem our customers face is managing software quality across multiple teams when they’re using different CI tools and builds systems. All of the valuable information is buried within the various systems.
Going to each CI system to extract software status from “build-centric content” is difficult and time-consuming.
Testspace is a Test Management application designed for automation that connects to your testing workflow. Testspace aggregates data – test results, code coverage, static analysis, source code changes, etc. – from all your CI systems, and performs analysis on the content including historical patterns.
Testspace transforms “build-centric data” into “actionable software status” enabling software companies to:
- Assess software readiness using Metrics and Analytics.
- Monitor the effectiveness of the testing process with Workflow Indicators.
- Optimize managing change side-effects/regressions with Failure Tracking.
Assess Software Readiness using Metrics and Analytics
Testspace aggregates and analyzes all CI data – build logs, test results, log files, static analysis, code coverage, code changes, and more – from every build on every CI system. By pushing data, using a simple client (Windows, Linux, and macOS supported), the process of aggregation is a simple addition to any CI automation.
$ testspace test-results*.xml static-analysis.xml code-coverage.xml build.log ...
With Testspace you can monitor the health of every branch under every repository, all from a single view.
Important metrics of any type can be included in the build status check.
Add your own custom metrics with charts such as:
- Resource consumption - of memory, storage, peripherals, etc.
- Timing information - such as latency, delays, and duration.
- Measurements and counts - like attempts, retries, and completions.
Using thresholds and criteria, Managers define what it means for a software build to be deemed healthy.
Interest in leveraging online Code Coverage providers such as Codecov.io and Coverall.io?
Monitor the Effectiveness of the Testing Process with Workflow Indicators
Testspace Insights - workflow indicators that continuously assess your testing process - are derived from computational analysis of your regression patterns, code coverage, source change rates, and responsiveness to fixing issues.
Insights help answer important questions:
- Is the current testing providing value to the team?
- Are regressions being addressed in a timely fashion?
- Are changes currently in process improving the quality?
Optimize Managing Change Side-Effects/Regressions with Failure Tracking
Developers can move beyond the flat, endless console to find and triage test failures. In Testspace, your test results mirror your test folders and subfolders as defined in your repository. When viewing results, a single click reduces a hierarchy of folders and suites into a single view showing only the suites that contain test failures.
Suite views filter on failures by default and provide complete failure context: call stack,
timing information, and more. Click the image
to see how.

Failing cases, blocked from being resolved by other dependencies, can be “Exempted” so only new failures are reported.
Connect Testspace to Your Online Version Control Service
Using GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket?
Testspace is integrated with all three. And with Testspace Connected Services, there are no plugins or extensions to install. Testspace account admins simply connect to their Organizations (GitHub), Teams (Bitbucket), or Groups (GitLab). Once connected, Testspace Projects and Spaces map to Repositories and their Branches automatically.
Get setup in minutes!
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